Trekking Mt. Sanbe Mt. Sanbe national park consists of six peaks with the main peak, Osanbe, having an elevation of 1,126 m. There are five climbing routes available including a trail that winds through . . . [read more] > Specific Website for Mt.Sanbe Mt. Kotobiki This sacred mountain is where Japanese gods come together. Its 360-degree view is widely enjoyed by visitors. Okuninushi-no-mikoto, one of the most prominent gods in Japan, and his Japanese harp are . . . [read more] Mt. Oyorogi This mountain is popular due to its beechwood forest that is home to many plants. At the top of Mt. Oyorogi (elevation 1,214 m), there is a primary forest of beech trees that are . . . [read more] Yanashio Road Iwami Ginzan Roadway along with the mineshaft and other facilities of Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2007. A section of the 7 km, 280 m high Iwami Ginzan Roadway is called Yanashiomichi. Visitors can enjoy . . . [read more]